Monday, November 08, 2010

Ramon's Escoblog: Week 10

Five Jokes About Auburn

So the guy promising to deliver Cam Newton in exchange for $200,000 offered a discount of $180,000 to Mississippi State. Some are calling this controversy a blow to Auburn's great season, but the real tragedy here is that Mississippi State doesn't even have enough boosters to cough up the discount rate to pay players.

Former Auburn coach Pat Dye expresses shock and outrage over the Cam Newton allegations. In his day, not only did Auburn double Mississippi State's price but the player also got a car.

While Auburn fans are focused on the undefeated football season, in related news new basketball coach Tony Barbee was surprised to learn Auburn had a compliance department and has suddenly decided several players are "injured" until all booster checks have cleared.

Rumor has it that Notre Dame coaches have been so impressed with Auburn's offense that they are sending a team of coaches to visit this week. But what Auburn didn't realize is that by "offensive strategies" Notre Dame meant getting around NCAA rules by paying players through donations to churches.

Big finish: Alabama fans have been so jealous of Auburn's success this season that they are restocking the booster coffers to go after some prize recruits. The first target to one-up Auburn: Cliff Lee.

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