Monday, September 27, 2010

Ramon's Escoblog: Week 4 told by Skako's favorite son, Wat Tambor

Star Wars only:

After a week of hyped-up expectations for the Alabama-Arkansas game, I haven’t seen a fanbase that deflated since Nal Hutta beat Ord Mantell in nuna-ball...

In light of that Stanford beatdown, Notre Dame, winner of the pool’s skunk of the year award last season, may need to expand recruiting a few parsecs all the way to Geonosis...

After three weeks of sharing first place, looks like Lineberry is going the way of the Q7-series astromech droids...

I’m not sure what happened to the Longhorns in Austin, but I haven’t seen Sal this mad since the Trade Federation cut off the shipping route to Coruscant after the invasion of Utapau...

A lot of Catholics were going against Notre Dame on Saturday. Not since the Betrayal at Bespin in 3 ABY have this many people needed to go to confession...

0-5? Ouch, Andrew A. That’s almost as bad as when the Jedi younglings had to take the pop quiz at their academy on Yavin 4...

Steve Spurrier playing that freshman quarterback -- what was he thinking? That was the equivalent of Plo Koon sending Padawan Bultar Swan on a peace mission to the Fondor system...

South Dakota State? How about scheduling someone your own size for once, Nebraska. At this rate, you might as well schedule one of the moons of Mandalore or Gree...

Where do they get the stuff they serve at Razorback Stadium these days? The spice mines of Kessell?...

When I saw that Georgia lost to Mississippie State, I thought to myself, wow, I hope Mark Richt doesn’t end up in the same boat as Grand Admiral Thrawn.

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