Friday, August 24, 2007

What are you looking at?

It's the final casual Friday before the college season kicks off, so I decided to celebrate by wearing an Auburn t-shirt. Here is a picture of the front.

I now live in Philadelphia and they do not see very much Auburn paraphernalia, if ever. At least the Penn State fans recognize my alma mater. I can tell who these people are and how much they love PSU football by the harshness of the stink eye I receive since we beat them the last time we played.

All day today I've put up with people staring hard at my chest when I walk by. I had to tell one manager, "My eyes are up here." Next week will be fun when I wear Dishongh's favorite tractor t-shirt and boots.

1 comment:

Pool Jones said...

I do love that T-shirt. Wear it all the time. My 2-year-old son especially likes it because it has a tractor on it.